To cut the story short we like to make a bold suggestion.
It is high time to bring in some reputed private foreign universities to establish their campuses here. Such names like Harvard,Yale or MIT ,if they are persuaded to establish their campuses there would be a mental revolution in the minds of the current narrow focus and profit making third rate capitation-fee. Collecting lowly endowed faculty and also the intake of a poorly motivated student population.
There are some bold experiments and breaking away from the iron grip-minded old fashioned names like traditional big names,Oxford and Cambridge.

These two old fashioned brands. Are now falling into the State-funded mode and these two universities(as we have learnt from our experience)are now controlled by State’s current policy to give preference to home students and thus cut down entry to otherwise academically brilliant international students. To correct this trend some years ago, Prof.A.C.Grayling,the veteran philosopher, has started a new university in London where he has introduced new courses and also modest -fee paying choices in some select subjects like philosophy,history .He has affiliated his new university to an American university.
A true liberal arts higher education is needed to a new liberal social justice education in a big country like India.Politicians cant visualise such a great dream.Only public intellectuals and genuine experts and thinkers can outline such a higher education policy.In higher education policy drafted we have so far miserably failed to act.It is high time to realise our crisis in Indian higher education.
There is no point in saying as we do now about a New Education Policy(NEP). The allocations to education in India is pathetically low, about 3 percent of the GDP. The promise of 6 per cent allocation remains on paper only.
The time has come to take some bold steps.India must raise its international profile.So,we need new courses and new funding priorities.
Higher education needs a fresh debate and certain bold new breakthroughs in looking far ahead!
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