To make India a global power
It is time that Indian education has to get out of the colonial bondage. We have to reverse the mass migration of Indian students to the UK and USA and waste precious foreign exchange. Let us create many institutions of international specialised studies. Do you know how many Indian students go abroad to UK and USA every year besides other countries? And do you know how much Indian students pay for their education in the UK and USA every year?

Indian education has become thoroughly distorted. There is no learning, no new knowledge. It is all about rote learning, it is all about coaching, looking for jobs and continuing to be caught up in getting a degree, often fake degrees and certificates and also politics thrown in in the name of governments opening new colleges and universities and in the process over politicisation and fake degrees and over-commercialisation at every stage of education. May be next to healthcare, it is education that is killing parents to educate their wards.
Lets take up here the issues of education and culture. And why even the diplomacy and foreign affairs. Is the world free of the madness of international terrorism on which much staled about and every day we are speaking? Is Indian education better today than what it was a generation ago? How is our polity, our dear democratic policy is doing? How is the individual freedom? Other freedoms like media freedoms? Judicial freedoms? Even our electoral reforms and other issues? Not much achievements, we have to admit so!
As per the London Financial Times. dated 22 April 20.20.2020 overseas students studying in UK, USA and India and China and other countries like Canada, Australia, the total comes to 7,57 681. Students worldwide 5 million. From India alone 2,11,015 students. From China alone 5,46,666.
There is about two and a half lakh students from India who migrate for higher education to the UK and USA every year and an estimated billions foreign exchange outflow as foreign education fees. The Corona 19 had hard hit the migration this year and a fall of 4 billion decline in foreign exchange earning alone this years 14% decline in the revenue earning in the student fees is reported in UK. The Indian students has to shell out about 50,000 pounds every year for a three year undergraduate education. The fee for the home study is just some thousand only.
Surely, it is time we Indians have to reverse the trend of the past practices of migration. For our education to the West and spending precious foreign exchange and also following the education practices of say the old Macaulay style a sort of clerical education. Luckily, Indian education, we mention specially the. computer-driven IT
education had changed the trend of Indian higher education and as a result India is now a leader in the IT skills.
Higher education is now critical for any government’s global strength and India is fortunate to be the world’s largest democracy and India must realise its full potential. Unfortunately, the world today is driven much by various forces of education, culture, media and many other social institutions and invisible forces.
We don’t play our role effectively in the UN and other diplomatic world. Without India, the Commonwealth is nowhere. We need to create new international bodies like the British Chatham House’s Institute of International Affairs. Our higher education and other areas must have institutions like the Chatham House. Why, even our use of English language in various areas like international diplomacy must give India much strength.
Is our higher education so diversified? Do we have new insights into the use of language and culture sufficiently? Only our capabilities in the use of English language in international diplomacy can elevate our status as a global power. Unfortunately, our enthusiasm for use of the Hindi language only would diminish our status as a global power. Let us realise our real potential for deploying our full potential for playing the role of a global power.