Much good will come to India’s growth story! Three times Chief Minister of Gujarat, Mr.Modi as the PM now would definitely bring with him administrative skills and therefore there is every reason to believe that he would impact on the Indian economic scenario. Even within the first three or fourth month?s time we can see…
Author: V.Isvarmurti
What the Indian people expect from Modi’s US visit?
Mr.Narendra Modi is full of promises. That is a positive sign and strength. His first US visit is expected to bring good results. There is a short and long term perspective here. Only those who know well the US-establishment ways know well the US adopts certain legalistic protocols. They don?t do things in a casual…
What about Modi?
His 100 days? There is work here for the Congress. In fact,the Congress must constitute a brains-trust.There is much conceptualising of an ideological assault on the BJP government functioning even within its first 100 days.Its outlook,its pronouncements and the criticisms from the public and elite and also from the apex court.The Supreme court’s 5-judge constitution…
Is the Congress splitting?
Rahul Gandhi faces criticisms within the party Senior leaders question his abilities Is the Congress splitting? Sonia Gandhi’s silence and inaction are no solutions. Neither Sonia Gandhi nor Rahul Gandhi are willing to meet visitors,nor talk to people or travelling in the states.How do they hope to revive the party’s fortunes? Time and tide don’t…
Supreme court advice
The 5-judge constitution bench has ‘advised’ the Narendra Modi government to be wary of the tainted ministers, some 13 of them,with criminal and corruption charges against them holding office. This – the bench said in a landmark judgement – would betray the trust the Indian constitution holds in the office of the Prime Minister.The bench…
Political videos
Here are short videos of my political thoughts and comments: Why we need change in Tamil Nadu? [youtube=] I want to create a Congress Culture in Tamil Nadu [youtube=]
Receiving degree from Pandit Nehru at Santiniketan, 1958
All India Congress Committee, 1967
I was a frequent visitor to New Delhi from the year 1961 onwards. At the end of that year or at the beginning of 1962 I landed in Delhi from Oxford through a circuitous route travelling through the then Soviett Russia, via Sweden and Finland and from Moscow to Taskant, then flying over the Hindu…